In step with community residents, Cherry Hill Strong responded to the Expression of Interest with the attached proposal.
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In step with community residents, Cherry Hill Strong responded to the Expression of Interest with the attached proposal.
Sites include from 2501 Seabury Rd, Baltimore, MD 21225 to 2700 Seamon Ave, Baltimore, MD 21225. The purpose of this Expression of Interest (EOI) is to identify Respondents who have a creative vision for one of Baltimore City’s last available waterfront properties. The ideal respondent would be highly motivated to be a part of revitalization already happening throughout the South Baltimore Middle Branch community, including the expansion of parks and the creation of an 11-mile loop trail connecting South Baltimore neighborhoods to each other and to Baltimore’s downtown Harbor.
With the goal of leading transformative change, DHCD has issued a comprehensive Community Development Framework. The Framework brings into focus DHCD's overall strategy and plan and articulates key strategic approaches for launching a new era of neighborhood investment. One strategy that DHCD utilizes to spur change in neighborhoods is supporting large scale redevelopment in key locations. DHCD has identified several city-owned properties that are primed for redevelopment. To begin the redevelopment process, DHCD is now seeking an Expression of Interest (“EOI”) from qualified development teams to redevelop the specific city-owned properties listed below. It is intended that the EOI will serve as a basis of establishing a list of interested and qualified firms to be invited to respond to a Request for Proposals (“RFP”) in the Fall of 2023. However, DHCD, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to request additional information from respondents; to not issue any RFP; to issue the RFP at a later date or to enter directly into an Exclusive Negotiating Privilege with a qualified respondent.
This site is inclusive of 2501 Seabury Rd and 2700 Seamon Ave, Baltimore, MD 21225. The purpose of this Expression of Interest (EOI) is to identify Respondents who have a creative vision for one of Baltimore City’s last available waterfront properties. The ideal respondent would be highly motivated to be a part of revitalization already happening throughout the South Baltimore.